Music style: Metal/Rock
Instrument: VGS R-20CE
Webpage: www.katatonia.com


In 1991, Anders 'Blakkheim' Nyström formed the Swedish dark metal band Katatonia with singer Jonas 'Lord Seth' Renkse.

Their songs of Death Doom and progressive parts soon gave them a good reputation on the scene. Katatonia's music is black but not black metal, even if you would like to put it into that category. Over the years they have steadily developed without losing sight of their roots.

The basic mood, borne by grief and a good dose of melancholy, still gives the songs a dark face, even though the former 'death grunts' singing had to give way to lighter and more emotional sounds. Without a doubt, the 'Sanctitude live at Union Chapel London 2015' DVD was a milestone in rock history and in their career. The audible radiance of the songs harmonised perfectly with the Victorian Gothic-style Union Chapel church, creating an audiovisual highlight of the highest class.